Tablica rejestracyjna SJZ7K26
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SJZ 7K26 2022-02-19 02:55:44

To all subjects of Ymir. My name is Eren Yeager. I'm using the power of the Founding Titan to address all of Ymir's subjects. The hardening of all walls present on Paradis has come undone, and all titans entrapped within them have started marching. My objective is to protect the people of Paradis, the place where I was born and raised. However, the world wishes for the annihilation of the people of Paradis. The hatred that has been swelling up for so long will certainly not end until not just the Paradisians, but all of Ymir's subject have been eliminated. I reject that wish. The wall titans shall trample all Earth outside of this island underfoot, until all life existing there has been exterminated from this world.
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SJZ 7K26 2022-02-19 02:54:37

zajebiscie kieruje, podoba mi sie
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SJZ 7K26 2022-02-19 02:53:36

nie polecam wykonał na mnie manewr pit przez co sie wyjebalem i umarlem
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SJZ 7K26 2022-02-19 02:52:18

super kierowca
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